Romania | Geography | People | Economy | Wildlife and Tourism

Gaurav Gaire
5 min readSep 9, 2021


Romania is a beautiful and culturally rich country in the South-Eastern European region. Romania is unique because it is culturally isolated in the easternmost point of Latin influence.

Geography of Romania

Romania is the 12th largest country in Europe with a total land area of 238,397 km². It is located at the crossroads between central eastern and southern Europe.

The whole nation of Romania is divided into 41 countries with their own city councils and 1 Municipality (Bucharest). Culturally, Romania is divided into 3 general historical regions Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania.

Bucharest is the capital city of Romania which is located in the Southern region and has the highest population in the whole country.

The country has a wide extensive rail and road network that reaches every surrounding nation. Romania is unique because the country is much more diverse in itself.

The nation is divided by Plains hills and mountains. You get the flattest and incredibly beautiful Danube Delta Area which is the second-largest Delta in Europe after the Volga.

The largest lake of Romania is Lake Rahzel which is actually a freshwater Lagoon connected to the Black Sea.

Demographics in Romania

Romania has about 19.5 million people and the majority of the country at about 88% identifies as Romanian Ethnic. After that the 2nd largest minority group would be the Hungarians and the rest are from other groups like Ukrainians, Germans, and general Europeans

Romanian is the most spoken and National language of the country. You will find Romanian language is quite similar to Latin languages like French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. In fact all these languages belong to “Romance Language” Category.

Romanian culture is intense because they are saturated in myth with major life events like birth and death. Some of the traditions include kidnapping brides by friends during marriage time and demanding Whiskey and Vodka over the phone. It’s funny right?

They believe in Zombies, Evil Spirit, Blackmagic and perform weird dances and practices to keep them away. They are an isolated Latin people group surrounded by Slav tradition but they get along with their latin friends throughout the distance.

For foodies, Romania is a heaven. Some top dishes that you should taste in Romania are Maize Porridge, Plum Dumplings, Ground Meat Rolls, Placenta Pastries and the national dish Tsar Mala which was actually brought from Turkey.

Economy of Romania

Romania has a highly developed mixed market economy with a total GDP of $289 billion in 2021. They have a very high Human Development Index and skilled workforce.

Do you know? Romania is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

Majority of the Romanian economy is based upon the service sector. Industries and agricultural sectors also contribute 35% of the combined GDP.

Vehicle parts, refined petroleum textile agricultural products and electronics are the major exports. Whereas Italy, Germany, Hungary, France, and Turkey are the major trading partners of Romania

Fact: Romania is one of the largest electronics producers in Central and Eastern Europe.

Because of growing investments, export driven trade, extensive market and increasing agricultural production Romania has managed their economy at the very top level. In 2020 they had the highest GDP growth rate in the EU.

Tourism in Romania

Romania Offers some of the cultural historical and natural travel destinations to the tourists. Beautiful danube delta, cultural and stunning architectural city of Bucharest, and historical Transylvania City are the major highlights for tourism in Romania.

Some of the Notable Tourism Spots in Romania

  • Danube Delta
  • Bucegi Mountains
  • Painted Monasteries
  • Peles Castle
  • Modern City of Cluj-Napoca
  • Romanian Palace of Culture
  • The Red Ravine
  • The Brukenthal Art Museum
  • City of Constanta
  • Black Sea Beaches

Visiting Romania is really worth it. It is a very affordable country and locals are very friendly to strangers. You will fall in love with your culture mediaeval countrysides and mouth-watering cuisines.

If you are a citizen from the European Union then you can enter into this beautiful country without any hassle. Just keep in mind they don’t use the Euro as their currency. They have their own Currency named “Romanian Leu”.

Nature and Wildlife in Romania

Naturally, Romania is a rich country. About 26.3% of Romanian land is covered by forests. They have the largest and pristine dense forests in the whole of Europe. Whereas it is home to numerous animal species like Foxes, Hares, Chamois, European Bison as well as Romania having the largest population of Brown Bears in the world.

Due to the highly fertile land of Romania, they are really good at their agricultural production. In fact, they are the 12th largest wine producing countries in the world.

Do you know? Romania has the third highest capacity for geothermal energy in Europe after Greece and Italy.

International Relations of Romania

Romania has a lot of friends, especially within the European Union. Romania was part of the Warsaw Pact when they cooperated with the former Soviet Union until the early 90s.

Serbia is kind of like the only neighbor with whom they have no major conflicts. They suffer together as the lowest ranking EU states in terms of Quality of infrastructure and they’re not even allowed to be part of the Schengen Zone.

Romania loves to get along with their distant cousins, especially Italy and Spain because they are latin countries and share languages of the same “Romance” group.

Before English became the 2nd most spoken language in Romania, French was actually

more popular. They have a similar type of architecture as the French.

Most of the Romanians will tell you Moldova is their closest friend. In fact they call themselves brothers and sisters. They love sharing a

glass of wine no matter how they have detached.

Problems of Romania

Romania has a booming economy and sufficient natural resources. But there are some problems as well.

They are having some issues of corruption in the private and public sectors which is a big negative point for their social and political enhancement.

Romania is facing another problem of decreasing skilled workers in the country because the pay rate is comparatively lower than the rest of European countries. Therefore migration of their workforce to the foreign nationals is a challenging problem for their economy.



Gaurav Gaire

I am a Business student and tech lover. I love spending time with computers, share stories and facts with people.